It's a new Day! It's a new Dawn ! It's a new Life! And we're feeling GOOD

It's a new Day! It's a new Dawn ! It's a new Life!
And we're feeling GOOD

Friday, October 7, 2011

Welcome to our new blog

Yes, we got a new blog. The other one wasn't that cool, but this one is awesome. The reason we changed blogs was because mom wanted more space to write. So, here we are. That isn't the only thing we wanted to say. I realized that we hadn't token any pictures during General Conference except one. Here is Kelsi enjoying mom's delicious cinnamon buns she makes every year. They were so good I couldn't stop. It was fun to have the family over to listen to it, and have dinner. 
I also want to talk about how our chickens have randomly started following me around (I thought they were scared of me). Especially the one who was the most scared of me, Daisy (or Elvis). Today she walked right up to me let me pick her up and feed her. It turns out from the horrid cold weather that just blasted in yesterday from no where, she just wanted to come into the nice warm garage. So I decided to put food in the hen house (they never go in there), I dug a hole, I got the R.I.P sign to block the wind, put her in, she fell a sleep, and laid an egg. YES! All that hard work building the house paid off. I'm proud!

Left=normal, middle=Dixie's, right=Daisy's
find the egg


  1. I have never had a cinnamon roll and i have been there for conference. You must have been holding out on me.
    A new blog with lots of writing room ! Alright!

  2. COol. New blog. And that is pretty dang cool daisys laying eggs now!!

  3. yea sometimes I make orange rolls and you had those

  4. Yeah mini elvis eggs that we can eat! Way to go.

  5. love the new blog. Just a few things to consider fixing. You can't read anything so I'd change the font type, size, and color. Otherwise it looks pretty awesome.

  6. WOOhoo sweet blog. I like the new pics added to the side too except i look like the biggest cheeser in my pic. lol. Hooray parks you are adapting them to real chicken life. I want to try an egg next time i'm there
