It's a new Day! It's a new Dawn ! It's a new Life! And we're feeling GOOD

It's a new Day! It's a new Dawn ! It's a new Life!
And we're feeling GOOD

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hey look at me everyone aren't I cute!

Hey Everyone so since this blog is a PRIVATE blog, we want to keep the news that way- as we haven't told a lot people (like Brandon's family :) ) So Happy day- hope you get the picture :)

Shelby Osmond


  1. HIP HIP HOORAY!! I'm so excited for you guys! Sad that i just found out when you actually told the fam on Sunday. But I am so happy for you guys.

  2. So... I can't see the picture but I am guessing you are having a baby! Wahoo for babies! And when are you due? You told the family on Sunday!!!??
